Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Joyful and Peaceful Holidays

This Holiday Season Control Your Anger and Stress.

Holiday Season is upon us. For many of us, that means higher stress levels. There are obligations to family and friends. There may be travel plans on your calendar and all sorts of changes in your routine. Add the current financial crisis to the mix and even those with the most easygoing temperaments might have some trouble keeping their cool.

Here are some ideas that will help.

1. Be proactive in your self care. Plan ahead so you don’t have to scramble around. Get plenty of rest and exercise. Plan breaks, recreation, workouts, meditation and alone time. You get to enjoy the holidays too!

2. Practice tolerance. Make a decision to “not get into” the same old differences that can spark conflict amongst family and friends

3. Stay out of as many stores as you can. Need I say more?

4. Reduce your shopping list. Overspending is just going to increase your stress.

5. Order online. You don’t have to deal with crowds or lines and you can be comfortable while you shop.

6. Give donations to charities instead of more “things” to people that really don’t need them.

7. Limit your exposure to the news. It will keep you scared and make you overlook all the things that are actually going alright.

8. Go back to basics. What is important is enjoying the holidays. Spending quality time with people doesn’t have to cost a dime or be complicated. Time spent at the park, having a cookie baking party or getting together for a dvd party might be worth a lot more than giving someone another sweater they will never wear.

9. Don’t get obsessed with making the holidays perfect. There’s a lot to be said for having “nice” holidays.

Happiest Holiday’s to You and Yours!


therapist said...

I actually read this posting before Christmas and it really did make a huge difference for me. I made the conscious decision to not allow the holidays to worry me so much this year, and I think that by actively taking control of the situation it worked. I did not let others bother me, I stayed out of the stores so I could not overspend, and in general had one of the nicest holidays that I can remember having for a very long time. Thanks for the great advice and I look forward to reading more soon.

Michael G. Quirke, MFT said...

I'm really happy that you found this article to be helpful!

Thanks for posting!